Financial institutions are constantly challenged to manage within complex and dynamic environments; Ubunifu Sacco is constantly scanning, innovating and adopting very adaptive tools to ensure it stays in touch with the immediate and future needs of its members
Executive Summary
In order to set an objective direction for the Sacco and to offer high quality and member-centric services, the Board of Directors of Ubunifu Sacco Society Limited have developed and religiously follow a 5 -year Strategic Plan.
Focal Objective

Ubunifu Sacco provides customized financial services to both the bankable and those considered un-bankable citizens. This means that the Sacco ensures that there is something for each and every member regardless of their current financial status.
Average Loans processed in a week
Average Amount Processed Weekly
Minimum Time Taken to Process a Loan
Impacted Members

Timely Reports.
The Sacco provides members with up-to-date information on their financial status, including account balances, transaction history, and interest rates. This information helps customers make informed decisions about their finances, such as when to make withdrawals, how much to save, or when to invest. they demonstrate a commitment to transparency and accountability. This helps build trust and credibility with members of the sacco, who are more likely to continue doing business with institutions they perceive as trustworthy.
Membership Requirements
Who qualifies to be a member?
Any person aged 18 years and above.
What do I need to become a member?
– KES 2,000 registration fee
- KES 10,000 Share Capital
NB: The KES 12,000 total entry requirement is payable in 3 monthly instalments -
Monthly deposit
Monthly deposit is KES 1,000/=
Account Details
Account Name: Ubunifu Sacco Limited
Account Number:01120575544900
Bank: Cooperative Bank of Kenya
Branch Thika Road Mall (TRM)
Mpesa Pay Bill #: 174254