Who We Are.
Brief About the Sacco
Ubunifu Sacco was formed by a team of young, ambitious and creative self employed individuals. Majority of the core founders were freelance writers however, the SACCO has progressively grown and today has a membership consisting of individuals from diverse career and job settings. Our common bond is the need for tailor-made financial services that do not discriminate against individuals based on their financial status (whether employed or self employed).
Our Team
The team at Ubunifusacco is committed to its principles that guide the organisation in decision making as it conducts its core mandate of serving its members. All members are treated with fairness and without bias.
Our Services
Ubunifu Sacco carries out its Services in an open manner; clear to everyone. The Sacco is liable and answerable for its functions and actions during the course of conducting its business. The Sacco does not discriminate against any party regardless of their gender, age, physical ability, race or tribe.
Our Strength
Ubunifu Sacco provides a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages savings, promotes financial literacy, and provides access to credit without collateral. This can help to improve the economic well-being and social cohesion of the members, especially those that are underserved by formal financial institutions.
Our Mission.
To mobilize savings, provide affordable financial services that maximize members returns through innovative products/services and undertaking appropriate investment activities for our members.
Our Vision.
To be the leading and the most efficient Youth Sacco in East Africa.
Our Core Values.
The Sacco is guided by the following values:
- Transparency and accountability
- Equity/equality
- Team Work
- Integrity and professionalism
- Innovativeness
Team of Integrity and Professionalism.
- The Sacco upholds moral soundness and carries itself in an ethical manner and at all times follows laid down rules and procedures.
- Team work The Sacco cooperates with other parties and staff in service delivery to harness team synergies.
- Innovativeness Ubunifu Sacco at all times endeavors to be proactively creative and responsive to the needs of members and those of the operating environment